The days of "FREE" locks and lugs are over! Stop selling wheel locks that do not work nor "slow" the wheel thief down. Its a disservice to your customers who are spending thousands of dollars on wheels and tires only to get them stolen within days or months of installing. They deserve better wheel and tire protection.
It's quite obvious that the current wheel locks on the market do not even slow a would-be wheel thief down. Everyone knows the current wheel locks have been on the market since the mid 60's and have been redesigned over the years trying to keep wheel thieves at bay with little to no success. With plain ordinary sockets and wheel lock removal kits being sold online, the current wheel locks don't stand a chance with the task of protecting your customers wheels and tires.
Introducing Rimlox. the newest wheel locking system on the market specifically designed to protect your customers factory and aftermarket wheels and tires. This new and innovative wheel locking system has yet to be defeated and is virtually impossible to remove without the correct key, hence the 1st and only 100% guaranteed wheel lock on the planet. Join the Rimlox team and provide your customer with a wheel lock that actually serves as a wheel lock and NOT a theft-deterrent.
It is also not a secret that there are many tools and ways to bypass the current wheel locks that are on the market today. These common/ conventional tools cannot be used to remove the Rimlox wheel locks due to:
Provide your customers with the 1st and Only Lifetime 100% GUARANTEE and WARRANTY in the wheel and tire industry.
It's all about your monthly and annual profit margins. You will definitely increase your margins by providing your customers with a guaranteed wheel locking system that actually serves as a wheel lock and not a theft-deterrent. It is no secret that the current wheel locks only offer minimal protection for wheels and tires. The current "wheel locks" obviously do NOT even slow a would-be wheel thief down nor prevent them from stealing your customers wheels and tires within a matter of minutes.
With thousands of the Rimlox wheel lock sets sold worldwide, there have been a few hundreds random wheel thieves who have attempted to steal the wheels and tires from Rimlox customers over the years. They have all FAILED!
Incredibly, there has not been one single Rimlox customer to ever have his or her wheels stolen to date. (2000-Present). Rimlox is the only wheel lock manufacturer that can proudly boast a perfect 100% wheel theft protection rate in the wheel lock industry with no wheels stolen to date. Not only does Rimlox stand behind its product, we’ve put it in writing...
The Rimlox Guarantee. Photo: Actual Rimlox customer had vehicle stolen, Everything of value (Entire engine, front quarter panels, all doors, seats, stereo system, speakers) removed/stolen except the Rimlox wheel locks. Thieves removed the center cap attempted to remove the Rimlox wheel locks, failed and left the customers wheels and tires.