Introducing the dummy cap installation option. The dummy cap process is where for (4) of your current lug nuts (1) one from each wheel are removed and modified to screw ontop of the Rimlox wheel locks keeping all of the wheel locks looking the same. NOTE: Dummy caps are not required for wheels with center caps.
Although optional and (extra), the dummy caps not only conceal your Rimox wheel locks and keep your original look, they also protect your threads from rusting. Why does this matter? If your threads rust just like one in the photo, there is a significant chance that the Rimlox wheel lock will seize up and potentially become stuck on the stud and not come off.
This also prevents the key from being able to remove the lock(s) potentially damaging or breaking the key when it could have been prevented. All Rimlox wheel locks are under a lifetime warranty that replaces keys and locks if they break, however, not if the studs are rusted and causing the key(s) to break.
Center cap(s) cover all lug nuts limiting rusting
(Dummy caps NOT required)
Exposed lug nuts exposed to rain, water which contributes to rust.
(Dummy caps required)
Dummy caps (option and extra) must be installed to protect wheel lock and stud(s) from rusting.
Without matching "dummy" cap. Will definitely rust causing customer headache trying to remove lock(s)
Step 1. Order your dummy caps at the time you place your order(s)
Step 2. Remove one (1) lug nut from each wheel.
Step 3. Install the Rimlox wheel locks (one wheel lock per wheel)
Step 4. Ship removed lug nut(s) of choice to Rimlox
Step 5. Provide tracking & lug nut information to Rimlox
Step 6. Rimlox will modify and ship directly back to customer
Step 7. Customer receives newly modified dummy caps
Step 8. Install / screw on dummy cap(s) by hand until snug
Step 9. DO NOT TORQUE dummy caps
Step 10. Your wheel lock is already torqued securing your wheel(s).
REMINDER: Dummy caps may be ordered at the time wheel locks are purchased or at a later date. The Rimlox 100% GUARANTEE remains INVALID until the dummy caps have been purchased.
The Rimlox "dummy" caps are modified lug nuts that are screwed
on top of the Rimlox wheel locks to keep all of your lug nuts looking alike. Your Rimlox wheel locks will serve as your lug nut once they are installed. You will ship 4 lug nuts of your choice (1) lug nut from each wheel Use your current lug nuts to have them converted into dummy caps.
This avoids having to purchase 4 new lug nuts when you already have them. Whether you have; hex, spike, basic, spline lug nuts or even a wheel factory or aftermarket wheel lock, you may choose any lug nut(s) currently on your installed on your wheels to be modified and converted into the Rimlox dummy cap(s) The dummy caps are purchases at the time of purchasing the Rimlox wheel locking system.
Once the order(s) have been placed, one lug nut of your choice will be removed and shipped to Rimlox to be modified. The customer pays for shipping to Rimlox, in return, Rimlox will pay for the shipping back to the customer. Upon receiving the 4 matching dummy caps back from Rimlox, they are to be hand tightened over the Rimlox wheel locks. This ensures the threads are covered as well as the wheel lock(s).
In the event your wheel locks become discolored or rusted over time, you are under a LIFETIME WARRANTY. You and can ship them at any time to Rimlox to have them re-coated for FREE and ship back to you for FREE! Simply fill out the Ship to Rimlox form and submit.
Although the dummy caps are (optional and extra) for exposed lug nuts. Dummy caps are required to receive the
Rimlox 100% Guarantee.
These are required to protect the wheel studs and wheel lock(s) from rusting due to rain and the elements.
This also prevents the wheel lock from becoming jammed/stuck
and unable to be removed.
NOTE: Dummy caps are NOT required for wheels with center caps
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
1-2 business days from the time they are received
Customer pays to ship to Rimlox and Rimlox pays to ship back to the customer.
To ensure we know when your lug nuts will arrive to schedule them and to identify your lug nut from other customers with the same type of lug nut (lug nuts may look exactly the same as another customer but have a different thread pitch)
No need to whereas the dummy caps do not provide any holding grip. merely to protect the threads and keep all of the lug nuts looking alike.
You already have the exact lug nuts / bolts (that are "free"). Rimlox would have to charge you purchase 4 lug nuts that might not be the exact lug nuts that are currently on your vehicle.
Yes, this would speed up the process and Rimlox can ship your wheel locks and dummy caps at the same time.
Yes, there would be a charge for the lug nuts desired. Customer must provide the part number or specific type of lug nut or bolt.
Rimlox will modify the 1st lug nut for FREE, Qty 2-4 lug nuts there will be a $20 charge per lug nut.
The Rimlox dummy caps are designed to keep all lug nuts looking alike in appearance but most importantly, they will protect your wheel studs from rusting. If your wheel studs rust and you cannot remove the Rimlox wheel lock, your guarantee and warranties will be deemed void if your key breaks due to rust on your wheel studs preventing or hindering the wheel lock from being removed. This could have been avoided if the studs were covered and protected. (Dummy caps are optional if center cap covers all lug nuts/lug nuts cannot be seen)